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  1. 你的論文標題適合怎樣的格式?
  2. 論文標題中應包含什麼資訊?
  3. 論文標題應該要多長?
  4. 可以在標題中使用雙關語或押韻嗎?



任何關於投稿論文的資訊,請務必確認目標投稿期刊的「guide for authors」, 並查看該期刊近期刊登的論文來掌握現任期刊編輯的偏好與風格



在介紹各種不同類別之前,先了解總結是怎麼得來的。我們知道James Hartley將論文標題格式簡單明瞭的分成13類,同時也調查了近年的趨勢與主要國際期刊例如Nature, Elsevier和Springer等刊登的熱門文章,還有分析近年論文標題結構趨勢的論文,最後得出五大種標題格式。




1. 闡述一般主題的論文標題


文章類別 標題範例
Research papers
  • Domestication and Divergence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Beer Yeasts
  • Chelation and stabilization of berkelium in oxidation state +IV
Clinical cases
  • Evolocumab and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
  • Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Rapid responses and short communication
  • A 130,000-year-old archaeological site in southern California, USA
  • Whole-brain serial-section electron microscopy in larval zebrafish
  • The Basis of Oncoimmunology
  • Anxiety disorders

2. 介紹一般主題下特定子議題的論文標題


文章類別 標題範例
Research papers
  • Molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of the slp76 signalosome
Clinical cases
  • Infections After Renal Transplantation: Diseases Pattern in Hong Kong
  • Genomic and Transcriptomic Features of Response to Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Metastatic Melanoma
  • Staphylokinase and ABO Group Phenotype: New Players in Staphylococcus Aureus Implant-associated Infections Development
Rapid responses and short communication
  • The concurrent emergence and causes of double volcanic hotspot tracks on the Pacific plate
  • Biology and Applications of CRISPR Systems: Harnessing Nature’s Toolbox for Genome Engineering
  • Polymer nanotechnology: Nanocomposites
  • The Rohingya people of Myanmar: health, human rights, and identity

 3. 闡述研究新發現的論文標題


文章類別 標題範例
Research papers
  • Incipient class II mixed valency in a plutonium solid-state compound
  • Visible-light excitation of iminium ions enables the enantioselective catalytic β-alkylation of enals
  • The Danish tax on saturated fat – Short run effects on consumption, substitution patterns and consumer prices of fats
Clinical cases
  • Habitual sleep durations and subjective sleep quality predict white matter differences in the human brain
  • Improved Survival with Ipilimumab in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma
  • Temsirolimus, Interferon Alfa, or Both for Advanced Renal-Cell Carcinoma
Rapid responses and short communication
  • Burgess Shale fossils illustrate the origin of the mandibulate body plan
  • Continental crust formation on early Earth controlled by intrusive magmatism

4. 介紹研究使用的方法論的論文標題


文章類別 Examples
Research papers
  • Precision Radiology: Predicting longevity using feature engineering and deep learning methods in a radiomics framework
  • Correlation functions of the integrable higher-spin XXX and XXZ spin chains through the fusion method
  • Charting organellar importomes by quantitative mass spectrometry
Clinical cases
  • Vancomycin Study: Treatment of Catheter Related Bloodstream Infection Caused by Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus
  • Branched-chain and aromatic amino acids in relation to behavioral problems among young Inuit from Nunavik, Canada: a cohort study
  • Chemokine profiles of interstitial pneumonia in patients with dermatomyositis: a case control study
Rapid responses and short communication
  • Remote carboxylation of halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons with carbon dioxide
  • Tunnelling spectroscopy of Andreev states in graphene
  • Methods for in vitro evaluating antimicrobial activity: A review
  • Imaging modes of atomic force microscopy for application in molecular and cell biology
  • Binary stars as the key to understanding planetary nebulae

5. 使用情緒性字眼或雙關語的論文標題


文章類別 標題範例
  • The Sleeping Cerebellum
Rapid response and short correspondence
  • Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms: To Needle or Not To Needle, This Is the Question
  • Braiding a molecular knot with eight crossings



如果標題太過一般,可能會誤導讀者或與目標讀者的需求失去關聯性;然而標題太過狹隘的話,期刊編輯則可能認為該標題無法引起太多讀者的注意。編輯的考量出發角度是利用鎖定廣大讀者將期刊的影響力最大化 ,因此,建議在這兩者之間取平衡。



論文標題長度沒有一個統一的標準,更因為領域的不同而有極大的差異。一般推薦10-20 英文字,最長應該不超過30-35字,因為過長的標題可能隱射出你沒有能力簡潔的表達訊息。

就實際上來看,數學相關的學術論文標題最短 (~8 字),而醫學論文相對來說比較長。 雖然論文標題的長短可能會在編輯審核階段影響接收率,但最近的一個研究顯示論文一旦發表後,標題長度並不真的降低你的論文影響力,這項研究分析了其他已發表的論文,結果顯示標題長度在生物學、心理學和社會科學的論文影響力之間出現負相關。但是一般來說,越長的標題不容易被讀者理解,如果讀者無法理解論文標題,他們有可能就不讀你的文章!

另外,我們也不鼓勵使用一堆名詞當標題,雖然最近 Nature刊登了一篇標題是”A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome,” 的文章,但我們還是不推薦。




有幾位研究員搜索了最近已刊登的論文標題並發現雖然不符合傳統潮流但最近有整合雙關語和提問的趨勢。 這一個趨勢很可能是來自於學術數位化催生下的個人化影響。當然這樣的標題幫助作者取得更多的目光,看看最近國際知名期刊,例如Cell刊登的文章就有雙關語。可能只要你的研究夠傑出,就沒有人會在意你的論文標題吧!

然而,因為對於使用這些吸引目光戰術的論文價值多寡存有偏見,這些論文可能”影響力較低且較少被引用,即使下載數量多。” 雙關語通常涉及到特定文化背景裡的成語或慣用語組合,所以對於其他文化背景的讀者來說是相當難理解與產生共鳴。

總結:研究論文標題的Dos and Don’ts


  1. Hartley, James. Academic writing and publishing: a practical guide. New York: Routledge, 2010. Print.
  2. Fox, Charles W., and C. Sean Burns. “The relationship between manuscript title structure and success: editorial decisions and citation performance for an ecological journal.” Ecology and Evolution10 (2015): 1970-980. Web.
  3. Milojević, Staša. “The Length and Semantic Structure of Article Titles—Evolving Disciplinary Practices and Correlations with Impact.” Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics2 (2017): n. pag. Web.
  4. Hartley, J. “New ways of making academic articles easier to read.” International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology1 (2012): 143-160.
  5. Hays, Judith C. “Eight Recommendations for Writing Titles of Scientific Manuscripts.” Public Health Nursing2 (2010): 101-03. Web.
  6. Jamali, Hamid R., and Mahsa Nikzad. “Article title type and its relation with the number of downloads and citations.” Scientometrics2 (2011): 653-61. Web.
  7. Nature Blog
  8. Journal of European Psychology Student blog

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