- 限定詞: 置於名詞之前,限定名詞的意函。限定詞包含冠詞(a, an, the)、this、that、every、each、which與that。問題最常發生於判別什麼時候該用哪一個限定詞。
- 介系詞: 置於名詞或代名詞之前來表示在同個句子或子句中單字間的關係。介係詞最難搞的就是它沒有太多規則可以遵循,如果不確定該如何使用的時候,建議利用下列我們提供的工具來檢查喔!
- 主詞動詞一致性: 單數主詞需要單數動詞;複數主詞需要複數動詞。當主題是包含介詞短語的名詞短語時,最常見的問題就是出現。問題常出現在名詞片語為主詞且包含介系詞片語的時候。
- 動詞型態: 有原形動詞、不定詞(to+原形動詞), 第三人稱單數動詞(動詞+s)、現在分詞(動詞+ing)、過去簡單與過去分詞。有些動詞的型態比較少,反觀”be”動詞有八個型態。動詞型態混亂的主要來源是使用錯誤的分詞和過度使用現在分詞(動詞+ing)。
- 動詞時態轉換: 問題時常發生於在某一時間點討論一個主題但卻在同一個子句中使用兩個以上的動詞時態。同一個句子中應該要維持同一時態,否則須另外寫一個新子句或句子來避免句子時態混亂。

除了因為語言不同而不熟悉冠詞作用之外,還有另一個可能的原因是因為不確定接在冠詞後面的名詞是否為可數。雖然有許多例外,但大部分的冠詞使用都還是根據名詞的可數不可數來決定。想知道更詳細的冠詞使用判別,請參考如何正確使用冠詞(a, an, and the)?

冠詞能夠限定出名詞的性質,就這一到三個字母能夠顯現出額外的意思,是否很驚奇呢? 為了讓大家更清楚冠詞的作用,下面是一則小範例。
假設你告訴朋友你想買車,可以說: “I really want a car” 或 “I really want the car.”,但你要先決定是想買任何一台車(a car)還是特定某台車(the car)。如果你選了後者,但跟朋友並不知道是特定哪一台的話,他可能會產生疑問。因為你並沒有將”the car”的詳細資訊與他分享過,導致朋友無法理解the car是哪一台車。同樣的,如果你選擇了前者”I really want a car”,你的朋友一樣還是會狐疑。
這時候有兩種方式解決: (1) 先說”I really want a car”,接著再用”the car”當主詞開啟下一個句子並詳細介紹是哪一台或(2) 選擇”I really want the car”然後用限定子句來詳細描述你想要的那台車。舉例:
(1) I really want a car. In fact, I want one exactly like the car I saw parked in front of Joe’s house yesterday.
(2) I really want the car I saw parked in front of Joe’s house yesterday.
1. 誤用限定詞
- 冠詞
決定使用哪個介系詞前,先找出名詞為可數還不可數,然後照著附檔與文章(如何正確使用冠詞)的規則。可簡單分成以下:- If you have a noun + prepositional phrase that pinpoints one specific noun, use “the” in front of the noun.
- If you introduce a specific noun for the first time, use “a” or “an,” followed by “the” for subsequent mentions.
- If you mean “any” of that noun, use “a” or “an.”
- If you mean “all” members of that noun class (each and every one, generally), then, for countable nouns, use the plural + no article. For uncountable nouns, use the singular + no article.
- If you mean a category as a whole (and not each and every member of that category), use “the.”
- ✗ The apple is delicious. → ✓ Apples are delicious.
- ✗ I read the new book. The book was fascinating. → ✓ I read a new book. The book was fascinating.
- ✗ The water is healthy for you. → ✓ Water is healthy for you.
- ✗ I bought the water yesterday, and now I will put the water in the fridge. → ✓ I bought water yesterday, and now I will put the water in the fridge.
- 指示形容詞 (This/That/These/Those)
- this + singular noun (something nearby or recently mentioned)
- that + singular noun (something “over there”)
- these + plural noun
- those + plural noun
- ✗ This is good for you. → ✓ This exercise is good for you.
- ✗ We should adopt a new policy. That policy would help us streamline operations. → ✓ We should adopt a new policy. This policy would help us streamline operations.
- ✗ That would make her happy. → ✓ That promotion would make her happy.
- ✗ Cats are feisty. Those animals are very independent. → ✓ Cats are feisty. These animals are very independent.
- ✗ What do you want to do with these boxes over there? → ✓ What do you want to do with those boxes over there?
- Other vs. Another
“other” 和”another”來指其他替換選項,點擊下列圖片來看看怎麼使用。另外”other”與”another”的不同在於選項的數量。- ✗ I have two books left. Take this one. Thanks, but I want the another. → ✓ I have two books left. Take this one. Thanks, but I want the other one.

- 想參考其他範例,可以參考以下連結:
2. 用錯介系詞
- 介系詞是個蠻棘手的文法,好消息是通常你可以用動詞來替換掉介系詞片語! 當你需要使用建立關係的單詞時,這裡有幾個技巧:
- 慣用語中的介系詞是固定的:這一類都沒有遵循介系詞的規則,如果不太確定的話,可以利用Merriam-Webster’s來檢查喔
- 不要連續用兩個介系詞:口語上常這樣沒有關係,但在寫作上必需要避免。例如: “I had to get off of the train.” → “I got off the train.”
- 點擊頁面上方的附檔可以查看常用介系詞列表 (包含一般常見意義與句子)

- 也可以使用像Google Book’s N-gram Viewer,其涵蓋了1800年到2000年的所有書本內容,並計算各詞語發生的頻率。如果你對於介系詞的使用有疑慮,輸入該片語的不同變形(用逗號分開)後點擊”enter.” 該片語的使用頻率就會以圖表呈現,而應該要選擇2000年最常被使用的片語(除非你想使用特定年代的語言)。下列是範例”to conduct research on,” 來搜索動詞介系詞。

- 想參考其他資源,可以點擊以下連結:
3. 主詞動詞一致性
- 也就是動詞必須與主詞的單複數一致。問題常發生於主詞含有介系詞片語的時候,記得動詞必須與介系詞前的名詞單複數一致。
- ✓Noun1 + Preposition + Noun2 + Verb that agrees with Noun1
- ✗ The way in which we communicate with others have changed dramatically. → ✓ The way in which we communicate with others has changed dramatically.
- 想參考其他資源,可以點擊以下連結:
4. 動詞型態:
- 兩個最常發生的錯誤是使用錯誤分詞與過度使用現在分詞。
- 錯誤分詞
- 留意不規則動詞,有任何疑問可以利用Merriam-Webster來確認是否拼寫正確。
- 美式英文與英式英文在特定動詞分詞的拼寫上不太一樣,例如:美國使用”learned”而英國則使用”learned”和”learnt” 。
- 過度使用現在分詞
- 使用現在簡單式來描述一般事實、習慣和某物的狀態。
✗ The sun is always rising in the east. → ✓ The sun always rises in the east. - 現在進行式 (verb+ing)用來描述暫時性動作和表示等等想要做的事。當你想要說明在某個動作的進行過程中也發生另一件事情時,可以使用現在進行式。
✗ I visit my sister this week. → ✓ I am visiting my sister this week.
- 使用現在簡單式來描述一般事實、習慣和某物的狀態。
- 想參考其他資源,可以點擊以下連結:
5. 動詞時態轉換
- 在同一子句中的動詞必須使用同樣的時態,如果混用動詞時態則可能讓讀者感到疑惑。
- ✗ Joe watched the movie and laughs out loud. [Joe finished the movie and is now laughing? This sentence doesn’t make sense, right?] → ✓ “Joe watched the movie and laughed out loud,” [Joe completed these actions, and logically, did so at the same time] or “Joe is watching the movie and is laughing out loud” [Joe is currently performing these actions simultaneously].
- 談到特定主題 ,重複確認副詞子句或句子的動詞時態。
- ✗ Joe eats chocolate whenever he got upset. → ✓ “Joe eats chocolate whenever he gets upset,” [Joe currently has this habit] or “Joe ate chocolate whenever he got upset” [Joe no longer has this habit].
- 有時候混用時態也是合理的,例如你在表示一個動作的發展時。
- ✓ I am editing the book that I wrote. [Naturally, to edit a book, it must already be written.
- 想參考其他資源,可以點擊以下連結:
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