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想像您自己是坐在觀眾席的同儕研究者,面對您的研究內容,您可能會提出什麼樣的疑問?將您可能提出的問題按照研究論文的各個部份分門別類 (緒論、研究方法、結果、結論),並盡可能寫下關於各個部份所有可能被提出的問題,越多越好。


檢閱每個您列出的問題,並試著用不同的方式來提問,就算是同一個問題,也可能有各式各樣的提問方式。接下來,根據您對於研究主題所擁有的知識,以及我們下列要領中所提供的範例句子,您可以試著練習回答問題。Practice makes perfect!

進行Q&A 的步驟

Step 1: 開始Q&A時間—告訴您的觀眾您將要開始Q&A時間

Presenter: “I will now answer any questions you have about this research. Please speak slowly and clearly.”

Step 2: 闡明問題—在您回答問題之前,您應該確保您了解問題的意思。以下是在不同情境下有助於您闡明問題的各種用語。

You didn’t hear the question“Sorry, I didn’t catch all of that.”“Could you repeat your question, please?”
You don’t understand the overall question“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”“Could you please rephrase the question?”
You aren’t sure about the details of the question“I don’t quite understand…”“Are you asking about (the 1995 study)?”“Are you referring to (the peptides discussed in Figure 2.3)?”“Do you mean (the patients in the placebo group) ?”“Could you be more specific?”
You still can’t understand the question even after repeating“I’m sorry. I still don’t understand your question.”“Could I come back to you later?”“Could you please talk to me after the session?”

Step 3: 回答問題—當您了解問題的意思之後,您便可以開始回答觀眾的問題。

3a. 以禮貌性的評論開啟您的回答—當您回答問題之前,建議您可以先感謝觀眾的提問,或者是稱讚他們的提問。

“That’s a great question. Thank you for asking.”
“I appreciate your question and am happy to answer it.”
“What a thoughtful question! I’m glad you asked.”
“What an interesting question! I’ll do my best to answer.”

3b. 提供合適的答案—每個問題都是特殊的,並且有各種回答的方式。根據您回答問題的能力,以下提供您面對不同情境時所可以使用的各種用語。

Response Type A當您無法回答或者是不願意回答問題時


You don’t know the answer to the question“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question.”“I will look into that and follow up with you.”“I can’t answer now, but I will try to find out more about this.”
You don’t want to answer the question publicly“I’m sorry–could we discuss this issue after the session?”“I’d rather discuss this issue privately please.”
You don’t have enough information to answer “We aren’t aware of any details at this time.”“We don’t have information about this yet.”
You have to await  further research“We are awaiting further research on this issue.”“We need to do more studies to answer this.”

Response Type A 範例: 以下為研究相關問題及對應方式的真實範例

You don’t know the answer to the question“What about the data collected between 1994 and 1997?”“I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question.”
You don’t want to answer the question publicly“When is the latest version of this study going to be published?”“I’d rather discuss this issue privately, please.”
You don’t have enough information yet “What are the findings of other state hospitals on this issue?” “We don’t have information about this yet.”“We are awaiting further research on this.”

Response Type B: 您有辦法回答問題,但需要一點時間或是更多的詳細資訊。


You have to think about the question[*Repeat the whole question or part of it]“Please give me a moment to think about this question.”“Just one moment—I need to consider my answer.”
You need more details about this question“Just so I understand…”“Are you referring to (the methods of analysis or to the experiment)?“Do you mean (the Smith study from 2014)?“What information are you referring to exactly?”

Response Type B:以下為研究相關問題及對應方式的真實範例

You have to think about the question“Were all sample groups in the study in the same cohort?”“In the same cohort? Please give me a moment to think about this question.”
You need more details about this question“What about the data collected between 1994 and 1997?”“The data collected between 1994 and 1997? Which data are you referring to exactly?”




“Have you used this approach?”“No, but thank you for your input. We will look into this.”“We considered this approach. But there were some problems.”
“Why did you use this method of analysis?”“There were several reasons for this. First…”“We found several other methods to be problematic.”“We have explained our rational fully in the paper.”
“What limitations to the study did you identity?”“We didn’t identify any specific limitations.”“We did identify a couple of limitations. These include…”


Question/CommentPossible Responses
“Could you elaborate on the results of X?”“Yes. What results would you like to know about?”“I’m afraid I can’t say more about the findings now.”
“What are the implications of these findings?”“Most importantly, these findings imply that…”“There are several implications here. First…”“I’m afraid I can’t say more about the implications now.”
“Could this study impact any other related areas of research?” “These results might impact areas of (medicine/patient care/administration, etc.).”“We need more information to answer this question.”“Our conclusions are limited to this area of research.”



SituationExample QuestionsHow to Respond
Reviewing a part of your presentation“Could you repeat what methods of analysis you used?”“As I mentioned earlier…”“Let’s look at this slide again…”“Yes. Looking at slide 34…”
Referencing a visual aid“Are the data in Figure 4 representative of all sample groups?”“What is being measured in Table 2.2?”“Let’s take a look at this figure again.”“As you can see in this chart/graph/figure…”“Let me explain this figure again.”

 成功掌握 Q&A 要領的整體技巧


  1. Stand up straight and tall—這能使您在公開場合中更有自信的說話。
  2. Be friendly and warm—保持微笑並有禮貌地回答問題,能讓您在Q&A過程中更加放鬆。
  3. Delay your answers and take your time—放慢說話速度,不要急著回答每個問題,確保您在回答問題之前,已清楚地了解每個問題的意思。
  4. Display a slide with your contact information—這有助於讓觀眾們得知,若未來有更多相關問題時,該如何聯繫您。

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