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學者透過發表論文與各界分享最新進展,並拓展人類各方面的最新知識。同我們先前分享的文章(如何提高論文發表機率)提到的,如果期刊編輯在挑選文章時,他們考量的因素之一就是研究方法。一份研究論文不只包含研究結果,還有你如何獲得該結果以及你如何獲得研究結論。 我們必須將研究方法寫進論文當中,以利其他人可以複製我們的作法並驗證結果的有效性。


通常寫論文時會先寫研究方法的草稿,因為在整個實驗初始階段,就已經寫了很多關於研究方法的內容。 但這部分也是直到最後還一直在修改的 ,因為需要調整細部內容以因應

(1) 進行研究時你所有的細部調整和
(2) 從共同作者及同儕評審那邊獲得的意見。


研究方法的目的是要解釋你如何回答整個研究的問題,而基本需要涵蓋的內容有你如何選擇研究對象和變量、你怎麼操作或觀察這些元素、 如何收集數據和如何分析所有前述資料。可以利用5W1H法則 (who, what, when, where, why and how)來做系統性的規劃,請全面概述研究重點任務以利需要複製研究的其他人理解。


每個期刊都有自己對於研究方法區塊的特殊格式規定, 所以請查看你要投稿期刊的作者須知。但一般來說,你應該要大約涵蓋以下:

  1. 研究架構: 這部分應該要解釋你打算如何達成你的研究結果和如何回答研究問題,當然也必須包含其他預期的實際操作可行性問題。你的目標是強調這個研究架構在解決隨機和系統誤差上有多成功,如此一來,讀者對研究結果的可信度和正確性更有信心。
  2. 實驗對象(selection criteria and methods):討論這些內容的目的是為了解決讀者對於研究結果可能產生的疑問。
  3. 資料蒐集 (criteria and methods): 透過列出資料蒐集的方法和內容,可以讓讀者輕易判別你是否充分的解決或控制可能存在的偏見或變量以提高該研究方法的可信賴度。
  4. 資料分析: 讓讀者了解你如何分析資料可以解決讀者對於研究結論的疑問。


(often an introductory paragraph)
-What do we currently know about the research topic?
-What type of study are you conducting (descriptive, analytical, comparative, interventional, observational, etc.)?
-What variables will you use, and which subjects will be exposed to which variables?
-How often and when will the data be collected?
-How can you control all the factors that might affect prediction models and outcomes?
-Do you have to adjust design because of some feasibility issues? If so, what factors?
(selection criteria and methods)
-Ethical considerations (all animal or human studies must discuss factors like ethics committee approval of research protocol, informed consent of human subjects, etc.
-Study setting (time, place, etc.), where applicable.
-For living subjects (humans and animals): demographic and clinical conditions, gender, weight, species, age, special characteristics, living conditions, etc.
-Any preparations of subjects made before starting experiments.
-Sampling method, including target population, sampling frame, instruments used, and any stratification, clustering or weighting.
-Recruitment method and its effectiveness, including profiles of any subjects that refused (where applicable).
-For comparative studies: group allocation and randomization procedures.
-Follow-up procedures for longitudinal studies.
(criteria and methods)
-Variables measured (identify only the key predictors and all outcomes of those variables).
-Methods and instruments used to collect data (include information such as an instrument’s manufacturer and model, calibration procedures, and other information necessary to allow others to reproduce your experimental results).
-Bias controls (e.g., blinding procedures).
資料分析-Descriptive statistics (e.g., means, medians, standard deviations, etc.).
-Inferential methods (include confidence intervals, hypothetical testing methods, and regression models or other modeling procedures used).
-Methods used to address confounding observational studies.
-Interim analysis methods.
-Adjustments made to sampling methods and weighting procedures.
-Missing data.
-Sample size.
-Power determination.
-Software used.


Dos and Don’ts


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