- 縮減字數讓你的論文更加專注在研究本身
- 將複雜的資訊轉換成一般讀者也可以理解的文字
- 避免抄襲並使用自己本身的敘述來寫論文
什麼時候該改寫(Paraphrase)或使用直接引用(Direct Quotes)

直接引用: 直接複製貼上原文,在所有的學術格式規範(APA, AMA, MLA等),所有引用字眼都必須使用引號與文內註(in-text citation)
改寫: 可以包含某些來自原文的關鍵字,但必須重新用自己話改寫過。千萬不可以複製貼上原文。當你改寫原文的時候,不需要使用引號,但你依舊必須列出資訊來源。
步驟一: Read important parts of the source material until you fully understand its meaning.
步驟二: Take some notes and list key terms of source material.
步驟三: Write your own paragraph without looking at the source material, only using the key terms.
步驟四: Check to make sure your version captures important parts and intent of the source material.
步驟五: Indicate where your paraphrasing starts and ends using in-text citation.
使用以下的方法來精進你的改寫技巧, 你可以不只使用一個技巧,建議複合多種以避免抄襲的可能。

舉例來說,they write、Kim notes that…、He believes that…,這樣的動詞跟主詞能夠很自然地介紹其他人的研究或想法,讓讀者知道這部分不是你的想法,並掌握引用的資訊介於哪一部分。


The journal primarily considers empirical and theoretical investigations that enhance understanding of cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioral psychological phenomena in work and organizational settings, broadly defined. Those psychological phenomena can be at one or multiple levels — individuals, groups, organizations, or cultures; in work settings such as business, education, training, health, service, government, or military institutions; and in the public or private sector, for-profit or nonprofit organizations.
(原文來源: Journal of Applied Psychology Website http://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/apl/)
The Journal of Applied Psychology accepts studies that increase understanding of a broad range of psychological phenomena and that apply to a variety of settings and levels, not limited by subgroup, institution, or sector (JAP, 2015).
很多作者都會將自己的論文跟引用的文獻完全分開,用不同的句子介紹。這不僅讓兩個論文之間少了一些”互動”,讀起來相當乏味,另外如果論文當中出現太多直接引用的句子,還有可能有抄襲的問題。 將直接引用的內容寫進你的改寫句中,來改善這些問題,讓你的研究論文更加自然和流暢。
改寫前原文: (請看上方)
The Journal of Applied Psychology accepts studies that “enhance understanding of cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioral psychological phenomena” and that apply to a variety of settings such as “business, education, training, health, service, government, or military institution” (JAP 2015). The studies can be set or observed from a number of levels and are not limited to institution or sector.
- 當改寫原文時,盡量使用自己的語氣陳述並搭配從原文當中擷取的關鍵字
- 即使你改寫了,你還是必須使用文內註(根據格式APA, AMA, MLA等要求)
- 即使你是引用或改寫自己先前發表的論文,還是要按照規定來 (你還是要用引用符號等)
以下的範例是一個嘗試改寫上方從Journal of Applied Psychology節錄的原文,注意作者沒有遵守上述提到的引用規則來避免論文抄襲。
The Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP 2015) accepts empirical and theoretical investigations that increase knowledge of motivational, affective, cognitive, and behavioral psychological phenomena in many settings, broadly conceived.
These phenomena can be at several levels — individual, teams, or cultures; in professional settings like business, education, training, health, government, or military institutions; and in either public or private sector, in nonprofit or for-profit institutions.
原文: “Fully grown penguins generate pressures of around 74 mm Hg to excrete liquid material and 430 mm Hg to excrete material of higher viscosity similar to that of oil.”
直接引用: In her study of Antarctic penguin defecation habits, Brooks (1995, p.4) wrote, “fully grown Chinstrap penguins generate pressures of around 74 mm Hg to excrete liquid material and 430 mm Hg to excrete material of higher viscosity similar to that of oil.”
*引號出現在引用的內容旁邊,有註明引用, 提供許多細節,完整引用整句話。
改寫: When studying Chinstrap penguin defecation habits, Brooks (1995, p.4) observed that fully grown penguins generate a much higher pressure when excreting more viscous fecal matter.
沒有引號,有註明引用,最重要的數據事實被清楚強調: “Penguins use more pressure to excrete thicker poo.”
引用/改寫混合: When studying penguin defecation habits, Brooks (1995, p.4) observed that fully grown penguins vary in how they excrete waste, generating “pressures of around 74 mm Hg to excrete liquid material and 430 mm Hg to excrete material of higher viscosity similar to that of oil.”
- 改寫時,使用自己的語氣
- 改寫時,別忘記使用引用符號,因為即使是改寫,這個想法還是來自於其他人。
- 當你直接引用時,務必要引用這個資訊的原因。
- 避免不停來回使用直接引用,尤其是自然科學的論文,這樣相當不好閱讀。建議使用混合的方式來提高可讀性。
- 整體上來說,首要還是得專注在介紹自已的研究,任何其他的資訊都只是強化你的論證或是協助澄清你的研究。
除了參考上面我們介紹的方法和注意事項,對自己的文章進行改寫/轉述,還可以藉助 AI 工具的力量,比如使用 AI 線上抄襲檢查工具來檢查文章的重複率,再使用 AI 文章改寫工具進行更有效率正確地轉述改寫,相信這一定會讓你事半功倍。
- Hartley, James. Academic writing and publishing: a practical guide. New York: Routledge, 2010. Print.
- Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Blog: “Descriptive Abstracts.”
- Academic Conferences and Publishing International: “Abstract Guidelines for Conference Papers.”
- UNC College of Arts and Sciences Writing Center Blog: https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/abstracts/
- Wordvice Blog: “教你寫出完美的研究論文標題”
- The University of Wisconsin Writing Center Writer’s Handbook : https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2.html
- Wordvice Blog: “Choosing the Best Keywords for Your Paper.”
- Wordvice YouTube Channel: “Parts of a Research Paper.“
- ScienceDocs Blog: “5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Discussion.”
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