在國外或是想進外商都不免俗的需要寫英文求職信,第一次寫英文求職信?不知道Cover letter怎麼寫?認真準備好履歷,要將履歷寄出去給想要應徵的公司時,總是煩惱不知道怎麼開頭寫英文求職信嗎?
別擔心Wordvice聽到大家的煩惱,準備了一份簡單版美國風格英文求職信範例,只要把以下空格填上再送交英美母語人士修改,即可完成一篇完美的cover letter了。

並且再進一步說明自己所具備的能力,能夠符合公司需求就更好,另外一定要確認好 job description!!
結論:寫出面試內容要求和自己的聯絡方式contact details。也別忘了寫上謝謝面試官閱讀信件內容,按照此結構寫出cover letter就差不多了。
Recruiter Name
Company Name
Dear Ms./Mr./Dr. _______________,
I am writing to express my interest in the position of _______________, which I came across your firm’s job posting. I am a _______________ at the Harvard University, majoring in _______________. After learning about your company through _______________, I feel certain that my _______________ and _______________ make me a perfect candidate for _______________.
My work experiences as a _______________ at _______________ allowed me to develop ______________ and _______________. In addition, I ______________________________ which motivated me to _______________. I am very excited about _______________ and believe that my experiences and skills fit very well for this position.
I would be greatly appreciated if I could get an interview with your firm as I am interested in discussing my qualifications with you. I am confident that my strengths and interests will complement those of _______________ and become invaluable assets. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my qualifications. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. If you need additional information, please reach me at _______________ .
Thank you for your time and consideration.
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