
In order to improve the competitiveness and cost performance of the low-cost AB5-type alloy battery as so to meet the market demand, the alloy cost should be further reduced.
上方例句中的as so to以to替換的話,不僅可以解決wordiness也可以縮減字數。
1. 不使用Wordy的單字
將 As a result 及 As a consequence 換成 Therefore, Consequently, Thus
將 On the other hand 換成 Whereas, In contrast
將 More specifically 和 In particular 換成 Specifically
將 In addition 換成 Furthermore, Additionally, Moreover
將 A number of 換成 Several
2. 去除包含過於普遍化知識的句子
檢查看看是否有對於目標讀者來說過於基礎的資訊可以刪除。大部分作者都有在Introduction和Discussion開頭寫上這一類句子的習慣。雖然確立文章脈絡相當重要,但提供過於普遍化的資訊會讓人讀者有被貶低的感覺。 舉例:在癌症論文當中,盡量避免寫入“According to the World Health Organization, cancer is a global health problem”過於基礎的資訊。
3. 不使用沒有建設性的開頭
使用“It was found that…”, “We found that…” 等這一類開頭時,需考慮是否要提醒讀者接下來的內容是關於自已研究結果的。如果在句子是相當清楚明瞭的情況下,那刪除這些開頭也不會有影響。
例: It was found that the agent XYG was effective in preventing metastasis.
The agent was effective in preventing metastasis.

4. 選擇效率高的動詞
例: Protein XY was found to be present in the cytoplasm
Protein XY localized to the cytoplasm.
We conducted an analysis of protein XY.
We analyzed protein XY.
A diagnosis of diabetes was made based on the results.
Diabetes was diagnosed based on the results.
5. 使用主動語態
例: The XYZ was measured through mass spectroscopy.
Mass spectroscopy measured the XYZ.
以上就是縮減字數的小技巧。負責英文編修的編輯能夠降低 wordiness , 使英文整體更簡潔。
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